Monday, 16 February 2015

MIT App Inventor

This is a screenshot from using MIT App Inventor which we will be using to develop our app for our group project.

For the last two Friday's we have been participating in e-labs learning how to use the site.
So far it has been excellent as my knowledge of how to create and develop both sounds and images on the app inventor has increased and I look forward to using the site when the group project starts.

When using MIT App Inventor I was thankful I didn't have to know about coding. No knowledge of programming is required. You create the design by dragging stuff onto the screen and arranging them however you please. The logic of the app is determined by connecting puzzle pieces together. The website works very fast and only requires a lightweight install on your computer. The App Inventor is originally a creation by Google and includes GPS, SMS and databases.All in all, the app inventor is an easy and fun way to learn how apps work.

A couple months on, I come back to update this blog post to discuss my experience in using MIT App Inventor for our group assignment - the ATM Locator app. I was surprised at how easy it was to use considering when you go onto the site you literally haven't a notion of what to do. I was thankful we were provided with instructions and so that aided my group and I in the successful completion of our app. It was very handy for us as the App Inventor provides access to a GPS- location sensor and this is exactly what we needed for our app to enable users to find their nearest ATM machine.

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