This is my first experience working with prezi. As complicated as it may appear, it is actually very easy to work with. I used such features as changing themes, adding YouTube clips and images and adding text. Prezi is not your typical slide based presentation tool. You start with a blank canvas and can add the features and can manipulate content anywhere on the page. Prezi enables you to display content in unique ways. Whats even better is that prezi is absolutely free to use. One of my favourite aspects of prezi is the ability to have movement involved in in the presentation. This aspect creates a visual link for the audience.
I now decide to work with prezi over Microsoft PowerPoint when presenting content to a group as I believe prezi is more eye catching to the audience. It is an effective tool and keeps the audience more engaged in the content you are delivering.
I decided to base my prezi on my 'favourite sports' as sports is such an integral part of my life.
I included rugby, football, tennis and UFC in my presentation and the prezi can be viewed in the link below. I hope you enjoy!
<iframe frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" width="550" height="400" src=""></iframe>
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